Homeless Man Found Not Guilty in Fight at Social Security Office

Posted by on December 14, 2016 in Press & Internal News

A federal jury on December 14, 2016 found that our client, a 42-year old homeless man, was not guilty of assaulting security guards at a Social Security Office in Los Angeles.  The verdict came after video footage at trial revealed that our client did not attack the officers first.  Security guards testified that our client spit at them, and approached them first with an assaultive stance.  The guards also alleged part of the assault occurred after they took our client down to the ground, because he continued to hit them while they were on top of him.  Instead, video footage showed security guards approach our client, follow him out of the office, and attack him as he fled.  The video also revealed multiple guards on top of our client as he laid on the floor.  No guard was injured, but our client was left bleeding.  The jury carefully deliberated, and their verdict was the just result.

Attorney for our client, Deputy Federal Public Defender Rachel Rossi, noted

“For our clients, the story does not end with the verdict.  After our client was exonerated and released, he had no place to live, no money, and no family nearby.  The true heart of our office was demonstrated through efforts by secretaries, receptionists, attorneys, investigators, and administrative professionals, who all worked together to find housing and transportation for this client – off the clock and without hesitation.”